West Meon Surgery

What’s On

Here is a list of upcoming national campaigns with links for more information on how you can get involved

12th May: International Nurses Day

A day to celebrate nurses and showcase key stories from your nursing workforce in your organsiation. International Council of Nurses

13th – 19th May: Mental Health Awareness Week

A UK event supported by the Mental Health Foundation. The aim is to educate the public about mental health issues and to promote better mental health.  

5th May: International Day of the Midwife

A day to celebrate midwives and showcase key stories from your nursing workforce in your organsiation. International Confederation of Midwives

5th May: World Hand Hygiene Day

Aiming to prevent healthcare-associated sepsis through hand hygiene and infection prevention and control action. WHO

6th – 12th May: Deaf Awareness Week

The aim of Deaf Awareness Week is to raise awareness of hearing loss in the UK and its impact on people’s lives. Deaf Awareness Week

MAY: National Walking Month

Encourages people to walk more throughout May. Living Streets

Date published: 19th April, 2024
Date last updated: 19th April, 2024